Welcome and Introductions - Paul-Michael Campbell and Song Embassy

Paul-Michael Campbell

Paul Campbell is the CEO for the "Song Embassy Music" which is a boutique production and publishing entity. 

He is an advocate for music rights holders. In addition a music publisher administrator/educator. He is also a special lecturer in the department of "Entertainment and Management " at the Vocational Training Development Institute (VTDI)on the Papine Campus and lectures special modules on monetizing intellectual property through music. 

He has extensive knowledge and experience in the music industry through his association with music publishing.

The Song Embassy Music along with its CEO was awarded the "Ubuntu Award" in 2017 for its charitable and humanitarian contribution in music by the University of Technology (UTECH) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Paul Campbell is passionate about the Jamaica Music Industry and his mantra is life skills through music of which he refers to himself as a servant of music practitioners and gives his services on a regular basis by contributing to "Test your Knowledge". A question and answer feature he develops and can be seen through his social media postings.

The Song Embassy

The Song Embassy is a music publishing and production entity established to assist the Jamaican Music Industry. Its core business is to track music licenses and royalties available to the Jamaican Music Industry and to negotiate successfully in collecting these royalties and distributing these monies to the rights holders and the copyrights owners. It offers services as a consultancy in music publishing and the inner workings of the music industry and arranges seminars and workshops on a periodic timescale. It is run by a board of directors with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) running the day to day operation of the company. The company is located at 12 Tavern Avenue, Kingston 6 and housed the production department of recording, the recorded music and live recordings department, and the music publishing (acquisition) and administration department. The company provides training in music production, copyrights and trademarks. The company is registered with the companies’ office of Connecticut / USA.

There is a management structure in place that oversee the operation of the company which is led by the CEO Paul Campbell who is an advocate for rights holders and is an associate member of the National Music Publisher and the Music Publisher Association. He has extensive knowledge and experience in the music industry and completed the Masters in Residence (MIR) Management Program sponsored by USAID and the University Of Technology (UTECH).

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