Tools and Materials
Requirements: Skills, Tools and Materials
Skills required: Basic wood working experience necessary.
A solid working surface that can work can be clamped onto or a bench with a wood working vise (ideal).
Machinery access required:
14” Bandsaw or larger
Table top drill press or larger
Hand drill
Hand tools required:
Xacto knife
Long and short steel ruler
Vise and or C or F clamps
Selection of wood rasps and files
Carving knife/knives
80 grit and 220 sand paper
Sand block/s
Key hole saw/hack saw blade
Selection of drill bits
Spoon for scraping gourd
.024 and .032 nut slotting files (
3/16” Nut seating file (
Dust mask
Used soft white t shirt for applying finish and to polish finish
Fine steel wool if available
Violin peg reamer
Violin peg shaver
Materials required:
-2”x3”x40” hard wood for neck blank-best to find a local source
-Martin gourd- pumpkin hollow/Welburn gourd farm/Wuertz Gourd farm
-Goat skin- Jeff Menzies/
-upholstery tacks- wide selection available online
-Titebond Original wood glue- homedepot or online
-4/4 Violin pegs- wide range of violin part suppliers online