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The Art of Gourd Banjo Making
About the course (5:33)
Course Community Space
Orientation - Continued
Tools and Materials (16:58)
Design and Drawing
Scale of the Banjo (7:02)
Parts of the Banjo (5:29)
Base Measurements (9:41)
Gourd Preparation
Gourd Preparation (7:28)
Marking (3:54)
Cutting (7:54)
Cleaning (8:35)
Refining (17:22)
The Neck
Headstock Design (7:05)
Gourd to Neck Measurement (3:37)
Neck Design, Front View (8:17)
Neck Design, Side View (7:28)
Cutting the neck (18:15)
Gluing and Clamping the back of the neck (7:43)
Tailpiece Making (14:44)
Drilling the Tailpiece (12:01)
Shaping the Neck (Tools) (15:07)
Shaping the Neck with a Rasp (28:47)
Surfacing the Dowel (22:09)
Surfacing the Neck (16:26)
Carving the back, below the Headstock (6:45)
Refining and Surfacing (13:44)
Drilling Peg Holes (12:16)
Fitting the Pegs (22:38)
Bone Nut (12:45)
Fit the Nut into the Neck (13:04)
Surfacing the Nut (9:38)
Fitting Neck to Gourd
Lining up the Neck holes on the Gourd (11:21)
First Test of fitting the Neck onto the Gourd (16:04)
Connecting the Heel and Gourd (12:51)
Refining the Heel (8:43)
Heel to Gourd contact (10:53)
Creating the Sound Hole (8:28)
The Goat Skin (6:41)
Track Pattern (9:44)
Fastening the skin (28:03)
Making the Pegs (13:05)
Final Finishing of Neck
Finishing the neck (11:19)
Nut slotting (10:45)
Cutting Holes into the skin (9:28)
Set-up and Assembly
Tailgut (4:48)
Tying the strings to the gut (4:32)
Tying the strings to the Pegs (6:29)
Bridges (5:43)
The 5th Peg (16:59)
Present Your Finished Piece
The finished piece (3:35)
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